Wednesday, March 30, 2016

WTF: ’10 Cloverfield Lane’ Ending Is Being Spoiled by International Marketing

10 cloverfield lane ending

The sci-fi thriller 10 Cloverfield Lane has been in theaters for nearly a month now, and if you haven’t seen the movie, you’re missing out on one of the most riveting, suspenseful flicks of the decade. A big part of what makes the movie so captivating is that it keeps you guessing the whole way through. You never really know what’s happening or whom to trust until the very end of the movie. Which is why some new marketing materials from overseas are a bit frustrating.

The international marketing campaign for 10 Cloverfield Lane apparently doesn’t care about keeping the mystery intact and somewhat misleads the audience as far as the film’s story is concerned. A new trailer and poster for the film’s forthcoming release in Thailand completely ruins the 10 Cloverfield Lane ending. Find out how after the jump, but obviously, beware of spoilers.

Here’s the new international trailer for 10 Cloverfield Lane:

And here’s a poster being used to promote the movie in Thailand:

10 Cloverfield Lane

As you can see in the trailer, the alien ship that attempts to kill Mary Elizabeth Winstead is clearly seen in the footage, mainly the part where it rises above the house and then attempts to presumably knock her out with toxic gas. And the poster uses the latter image to really knock the spoiler out of the park.

Aside from the fact that the scene in the poster doesn’t exactly play out that way (Winstead is wearing her makeshift biohazard suit by this point), both the trailer and poster promise an alien invasion thriller as opposed to the contained, mysterious thriller that just so happens to have an alien attack as the catalyst for the events that unfold in the movie. International audiences could end up being very disappointed when they find out nearly the entire film takes place with three people in a bunker.

Knowing this twist doesn’t necessarily ruin the movie. Having just seen the movie for a second time, I can tell you that the suspense still holds up, and John Goodman is actually even more terrifying when you know what he’s capable of. But there’s something about seeing the movie the first time and being completely in the dark about the ending that makes the first viewing really special. It’s a shame that Paramount couldn’t figure out how to market the movie overseas without spoiling the ending.

Speaking of the ending, while there are some people who were turned off by the big push into straight-up sci-fi at the end, this interpretation of the ending gives it much more significance than might have been seen on the surface.

The important thing is that Dan Tracthenberg has made an excellent feature directing debut, and I can’t wait to see what he brings to the big screen next.

The post WTF: ’10 Cloverfield Lane’ Ending Is Being Spoiled by International Marketing appeared first on /Film.

from /Film

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