Thursday, March 31, 2016

Ben Affleck Has Already Written a Solo Batman Movie

ben affleck batman screenplay

We’ve had a lot of negative things to say about Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice over the past few weeks, but everyone seems to agree that Ben Affleck is the least of the film’s problems. I’d argue that, under the right circumstances, he could be the best cinematic Batman yet. Someone just has to give him the right material.

And that someone could very well be Affleck himself. We learned last year that Affleck was looking to direct and star in a solo Batman movie and now, we’ve learned that he’s apparently already written a solo film for his take on the Caped Crusader.

The news comes embedded in a much larger The Hollywood Reporter interview with Patrick Whitesell and Ari Emanuel, co-CEOs of WME-IMG and Affleck’s longtime agents. In between all of the industry shop talk (the whole thing is an interesting read if you enjoy Hollywood inside baseball), Whitesell revealed some details about the future of Batfleck:

He’s contracted to do at least Justice League One and Two, so at least three times wearing the cape … There’s a script that he’s written that is a really cool [Batman] idea, so that’s out there as an option.

The big news here is that Affleck has finished at least one draft of a Batman movie, which may the result of his ongoing collaboration with DC Comics writer and chief creative officer Geoff Johns. That’s a fascinating combination of talent. In one corner, you have Affleck, an accomplished screenwriter and filmmaker who knows how to plot tense and compelling mysteries. In the other, you have one of the big dogs of the comic industry, a talented scribe who knows these characters like they’re members of his own family. Say what you want about Batman v Superman, but the thought of these two putting their heads together on a Batman movie is exciting stuff.

What’s really interesting about that statement though is the implication that Affleck isn’t actually contracted for a solo Batman movie. As Whitesell says, he’s locked in for Justice League and its sequel – he’ll play the Dark Knight at least three times. But anything can happen between now and when Warner Bros. kindly asks him to slip into the cape and cowl for a fourth time. The studio has given release dates to a lot of movies, but it hasn’t put a Batman movie on its schedule yet. This may very well be the reason why.

If a solo Batman movie does happen, it won’t be in theaters until 2018 at the earliest. In the meantime, Justice League is set to start shooting next month and will arrive on November 17, 2017.

The post Ben Affleck Has Already Written a Solo Batman Movie appeared first on /Film.

from /Film

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