Sunday, August 20, 2017

Why Can’t It Just Work?

This is a test to see if MailChimp is sending out an email notification after I publish a new post. It didn’t send out one after I published New Plants Blooming in August, or Rescuing the Madonna Lily, or What’s Blooming in My Damp Meadow. If you signed up for email notifications, I hope you are getting notice of this via email. It should leave MailChimp at 4am on August 21, 2017. If you just happened to stumble upon it without getting your email notice, please know that I am trying to fix it.

This is also a test to see if links to my blog posts are showing up properly on Facebook.

When I’m done troubleshooting these problems, I will take down this post. Gladly.

Ever since I moved to a new server, WordPress has worked but everything that WordPress talks to has stopped listening. Why, why, why can’t everything just work?

from Cold Climate Gardening

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