Thursday, August 10, 2017

Videos: Frank D'Rone

Yesterday I posted about Bev Kelly, a hip jazz singer from Chicago who recorded in the 1950s. Today, another hip Chicago jazz club singer (and guitarist) from the same period—Frank D'Rone. To read my two-part interview with Frank go here and here. Frank recorded from the late 1950s onward and was a wonderful guy. Everyone loved him. Frank died in 2013.

The other day I came across this video clip of Frank on Playboy's Penthouse (apologies in advance for Hugh Hefner's creepy cringe-worthy comments along the way)...  

Here's Frank in 1965 on Merv Griffin's TV show...

And here's Frank with a band arranged by Billy May for Mercury Records in early 1960...

To visit Frank D'Rone's site, where you can order albums, go here.


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