Wednesday, January 11, 2017

One Thing You Should Never Do To Lose Weight…

Here’s a reprint of an article we did for the Nebraska Furniture Mart:


“Like many of us, you’re probably interested in shedding some pounds – maybe 20, 50, 100 or more, or maybe just those final 5. You can do it, definitely. You’ve done some research, read some testimonies, bought supplements, planned meals, even spent on a pair of jeans just a few sizes too small at the moment…it’s motivation; you’ll be slipping into them just in time for holiday season 😉 Great. You’re on the right track. But you’re close to slipping off track and you haven’t even begun. There’s one major thing you should NEVER do to lose weight. Do you know what it is? DIET ALONE!

“Muscle building” is not exclusive to bodybuilders or beach bums; it’s the base requirement for human function. And building muscle means more than just “growing muscles big” by lifting weights and eating egg whites all day. In fact it’s separate. It’s for all of us no matter our gender, race, ethnicity, athletic ability, flexibility, Netflix-ability…muscle moves life! The heart is a muscle. We do not function without muscle movement, whether ours or someone else’s. And muscles need conditioning. They’re not self-sustaining or “neutral” responders to activity or inactivity. They’re living things, like plants in a garden. When cared for the garden produces food, and when neglected it not only doesn’t produce, it’s overtaken by weeds (fat).

If you don’t move, your muscles shrivel into a weakened state called atrophy. You not only lose function, which is bad enough, you GAIN fat and you GAIN an easy and natural ability to gain MORE fat because your fat-burning muscle is no longer able to do its job effectively. Your metabolism has slowed. Muscles need motion to survive and thrive! So get your muscles in motion and get fat-burning. And when you do, there’s a bonus: you’re MORE MOTIVATED at mealtime! You WANT to stick to your healthy-eating plan because you’re doing the work to sustain it, and your body knows it! The best part? You don’t need to kill yourself in a gym…you just need to be active. And walking is the most natural, easiest, safest, most enjoyable, most sharable, most EFFECTIVE over the long term because of those other reasons…way to build muscle and burn fat in conjunction with healthy eating. It’s “lifestyle change” that leads to lasting health, and walking is for life! Don’t diet alone!”

Check out the full article here:


from Walk at Home

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