Thursday, November 3, 2016

Mixing a YouTube Cocktail

I've always been a bit of a YouTube nut. After Google, it's the single most important educational and entertainment tool on the web. But from time to time, I come across videos with great images but lousy audio. So I've started mixing what I call "YouTube Cocktails."

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My YouTube Cocktail involves watching one video while listening to another. I'll pull up the video I want to watch, pause it and mute the sound. Then I pull up a second video, unmute it and let the music play while starting the first video I want to watch. On the computer screen, by starting the first video, it eclipses the one playing the music in the background. Got it?

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OK, I know, this sounds a bit eccentric, but I've found it quite a lot of fun. So today, let me start us off with drone footage of Vermont's fall foliage backed by Sarah Vaughan singing Moonlight in Vermont. If you're at JazzWax, where I embed the videos, click on the foliage one and mute it. Then click on the second one and turn up the volume.

Let's give it a whirl:

Watch this...

While listening to this...

from JazzWax

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