Thursday, August 11, 2016

Dancing on Roller Skates

It's Friday so let's have a bit of freewheeling fun. Here are six clips that feature superb dancers on roller skates. Charlie Chaplin, in the first clip, may have launched the genre in The Rink (1916). The others are just as splendid [Photo above of Debbie Reynolds in the 1950s]:

Here's Chaplin in The Rink (1910). If you wish, move the time bar up to 11:06...


Here's the genius of Chaplin and Goddard in Modern Times (1936)...


Here's Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers in Shall We Dance (1937)...


Here's Donald O'Connor in I Love Melvin (1953), with Noreen Corcoran, who died earlier this year...


Here's Gene Kelly in perhaps the greatest skate routine of them all, from Always Fair Weather (1955)...


And this one I threw in because, well, it brings us up to date...


from JazzWax

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