Tuesday, February 27, 2018
U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration And The Clarion University Small Business Development Center Join in Effort to Improve Workplace Safety and Health
from OSHA News Release http://ift.tt/2FaawBf
U.S. Department of Labor Cites Patio and Pool Enclosure Installer Following Employee Fatality
from OSHA News Release http://ift.tt/2oAFoAR
Sunday, February 25, 2018
Let’s Talk About Color
Precisely describing the subtle variations in flower color is a challenge for me, so one fine June morning as we were sitting on the front porch, I asked my eldest daughter whether she would describe that rose (‘Darcey Bussell’, pictured above) as crimson, or a red leaning towards purple. She looked at me like I’d grown two heads and said, “It’s pink.”
Pink? Scarcely believing my ears, I turned to my youngest daughter and asked the same question. Almost apologetically, she said it looked pink to her, too.
“So, then, you probably can’t see how the color of this rose plays off the other colors in the bed, can you?”
“Frankly, Mom, I can’t see much rhyme or reason to the plants you grow around the porch.” I started to despair. The hours I’ve spent looking at these borders from every angle, walking around with a plant in my hand, carefully considering where it would be most effective–but to her–and how many other people?–it just looks like a hot mess? Then I remembered the time my middle daughter had told me she really appreciated the interplay of color and texture I had created in the front borders. I had floated on the pleasure of that compliment for the rest of the day. It reassured me that at least one person could see what I’m trying to achieve.
But I want everyone to see my garden the way I see it!
The idea that some people didn’t see my garden the way I did was disturbing, and I wanted to fix it. But do any two people see colors the same? How would we even know? Surely there is a range of color perception from color blindness to the visual equivalent of perfect pitch? And who gets to decide what the “correct” perception of a color is? Furthermore, how did my eldest daughter get a different understanding of color than me? I taught her the names of colors. “Do you want the pink cupcake or the white one?” I taught her what pink looked like. We used the same box of crayons. But now pink means something different to her than it does to me. How did that happen?
I eventually realized there is no fix to this. My garden is lovely to some people, and to others it’s not. So be it. Of course, the best gardens are about a lot more than color: form, texture, space, leading the eye, creating mood. Yet there must be some consensus about color, otherwise how would certain gardens become well-known for their use of it?
Will the real ‘Darcey Bussell’ please stand up?
Further complicating this issue, the same flower changes color depending on the time of day, or with more or less cloud cover. This is the same ‘Darcey Russell’ rose as above, photographed at various times of day and different seasons. Even I will admit this rose looks pink in certain pictures, but the photo at the top is what I consider its true color.
A garden well-known for its use of color
Later on that summer, I visited Buffalo, NY for the Garden Writers Association annual symposium. We toured the garden of Joe Hopkins, which was noteworthy for its use of brilliant color. Some would say there was too much color, because Joe relied more heavily on high-contrast complementary colors than analogous ones. (Complementary colors are directly across from each other on the color wheel; analogous colors are next to each other on the color wheel.)
The chartreuse foliage massed on the right complements the hot pink alliums floating above it. The purple sage flowers complement the orange-red coleus at the bottom of the photo.
In this photo of the same seating arrangement taken from a different angle, you can see some of the plantings echo the colors of the umbrella and the garage door.
from Cold Climate Gardening http://ift.tt/2EUYjxd
Friday, February 23, 2018
U.S. Department of Labor Cites Illinois Roofing Contractor For Exposing Workers to Falls, Proposes $281,286 in Penalties
from OSHA News Release http://ift.tt/2HFut1p
OSHA Renews Alliance with Performing Arts Organizations to Protect Safety and Health of Workers in Entertainment Industry
from OSHA News Release http://ift.tt/2HH7NOr
Thursday, February 22, 2018
BBC Documentary: Charlie Parker
Where exactly did saxophonist Charlie Parker first meet Dizzy Gillespie? How did he pay for his first Selmer saxophone? What was Buster Smith's role in Parker's development? And How did Parker's heroin habit start?Answers to these questions and much more in an hour-long BBC documentary from 2005 called The Charlie Parker Story...
from JazzWax http://ift.tt/2Fs1UE4
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
3 Common Bathroom Problems and How to Solve Them
Content originally published and Shared from http://perfectbath.com
The relaxing nature of a good warm bath helps us realize things that we don’t normally think about — such as the secrets of the universe or the reason we exist. However, if bathroom problems such as the following exist, they can steal your attention away from your dreamy thoughts. Don’t let these problems ruin your well-deserved alone time:
Photo by Daniel Fazio on Unsplash
Over-splashing tap
Selecting the right design will save you some frustration because the wrong tap with the wrong sink can certainly land you in a watery situation. You certainly don’t want a wet floor each time you turn the tap on! The placement of the sink with the tap defines how much splash it creates. If the sink is too close to the standing tap, the water may spill over the edge when it is initially turned on. The space of the sink also has a part to play as it would guide the water into the sink hole. An overhead tap mounted on the wall would have to be positioned correctly over the sink hole to ensure faster drainage. Also note that some sinks don’t come with overflow holes, so be mindful when you shop. Source: HomeAndDecor
Leaky shower
You may be able to put up with a leaky shower head for a little while, but it’ll cost you on your water bills. On top of that, the excess moisture being leaked to unplanned areas could create mold issues. Fixing your showerhead could be as easy as replacing a gasket, and you can often diagnose it on your own. Source: TheSpruce
Slow drain
Most tub and shower clogs are caused by hair. A simple fix is to remove the drain cover, straighten a wire coat hanger, then bend one end into a small hook. Push the hook down the drain and into the U-shape trap a few inches down. Then twist it around, and carefully pull it back. Chances are good you will have hooked the sizable hairball that was causing your slow drain. Source: BHG
If your leaky fixtures are a recurring problem, replacing them with higher quality ones is the answer! Call us today.
Perfect Bath
Phone: Toll Free 1-866-843-1641
Calgary, Alberta
Email: info@perfectbath.com
The post 3 Common Bathroom Problems and How to Solve Them appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.
from Perfect Bath Canada http://ift.tt/2Hx6SQp
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
U.S. Department of Labor Cites Alabama Plastics Manufacturer Following Employee Fatality
from OSHA News Release http://ift.tt/2FlEeBj
Sunday, February 18, 2018
Four Videos: Happy Prez Day
Today is President's Day in the U.S. On this day at JazzWax, we celebrate Lester Young. Billie Holiday called him the President, which was shortened to Pres or Prez. She meant president of the tenor saxophone. If you know nothing about Young but would love to know why he's such a big deal, here it is in a nutshell:
Up until Young's solos in the Basie band in 1939 and '40 and more specifically his Aladdin small group leadership sides in the mid-1940s, the tenor saxophone was a gruff instrument that stood out by ferociously working up and down a song's chords with an assertive growl. Practitioners of this style included Coleman Hawkins, Charlie Ventura, Ben Webster, Budd Johnson, Arnett Cobb, Buddy Tate, Don Byas, Georgie Auld, Illinois Jacquet, Flip Phillips, Eddie "Lockjaw" Davis and others.
Young, by contrast, had a decidedly cooler approach to the instrument, and his drier approach influenced a generation of players, including Stan Getz, Lucky Thompson, Brew Moore, Al Cohn, Zoot Sims, Jimmy Giuffre, Bob Cooper, Bill Perkins, Dave Pell, Bill Holman and many others.
The way Marlon Brando changed acting, Mies van der Rohe changed architecture, Mark Rothko changed painting, Normal Mailer changed the novel, Frank O'Hara changed poetry and Helen Levitt changed photography, Young brought a new detachment to the tenor saxophone that favored space and forward velocity rather than tight rendering. His playing was the sound of a new emotionalism.
Here are four videos of Young. Happy Prez Day!
Here's Lester Young in 1944 in Jamin' the Blues (keep an eye on that porkpie hat)...
Here's Young in 1950...
Here's Young in 1957 on CBS's The Sound of Jazz in 1957 with Billie Holiday on Fine and Mellow (watch the rapport between Holiday and Young). The first saxophone solo is by Coleman Hawkins. The second is by Young, providing a perfect illustration of the differences between the two schools...
And here's Young in 1958 at Art Ford's Jazz Party...
JazzWax tracks: A wonderful introduction to Lester Young is the two-CD set The Complete Aladdin Recordings of Lester Young here.
from JazzWax http://ift.tt/2CuqEII
Friday, February 16, 2018
U.S. Department of Labor and Buckeye STEPS Renew Alliance to Improve Workplace Safety in Ohio Oil and Gas Industry
from OSHA News Release http://ift.tt/2CnDnwx
U.S. Department of Labor and Ohio Environmental Services Company Resolve Lawsuit on Whistleblower Allegations
from OSHA News Release http://ift.tt/2EujOsm
U.S. Department of Labor Cites Alabama Manufacturer for Safety Hazards, Proposes Penalties Totaling $74,833
from OSHA News Release http://ift.tt/2oce4sq
OSHA Renews Alliance with the International Window Cleaning Association to Protect the Safety of Industry Workers
from OSHA News Release http://ift.tt/2C2nb8u
Thursday, February 15, 2018
On The Verge Of A Thaw In February
A January thaw I expect. A thaw in February–however pleasant–makes me nervous. Last year we had a mild February–and three feet of snow in March. I would much rather have my seasons in chronological order–first winter, then spring–than to be ping-ponging back and forth between the two. But whether or not I approve, it appears we are having a thaw. In February.
Today the temperature rose to 59°F (15°C). The average high for this time of year is 32°F (0°C). According to the ten-day forecast, every one of those ten days will be warmer than the average.
The rest of them are still under snow. And no, I can’t tell you what’s on that label, because I always stick the written-on end in the ground so it stays legible longer, and it’s still frozen in the earth. So, there hasn’t been much thawing yet. But we have at least ten days… A cold climate gardener expects it to be cold in February, and she prepares for it. In this picture an orchid I’ve had for a couple of years, a miniature orchid I was given yesterday, and the forced lily-of-the-valley–now on the wane–all bask in the southeastern exposure. These are the types of plants I expect to be blooming in February, and indoors is the only place I expect them to be blooming. The flower stalk is supposed to be more elongated before it blooms. I probably didn’t withhold water long enough, or the living room didn’t stay cool enough, long enough. No matter. I feast my eyes on the flaming orange petals just as readily with the flowers at half-mast, so to speak.I know I’m not fooling anybody. I will be thrilled if I have blooming snowdrops–or eranthis–in February. I will enjoy each mild day as it arrives, and if winter comes back to bite me and my garden–well, we’ll deal with that when it happens.
Inspired by the words of Elizabeth Lawrence, “We can have flowers nearly every month of the year,” Carol of May Dreams Gardens started Garden Bloggers Bloom Day. On the 15th of every month, garden bloggers from all over the world publish what is currently blooming in their gardens. Check it out at May Dreams Gardens.
from Cold Climate Gardening http://ift.tt/2EHJ0ei
How to Pick the Best Shower Head
Content originally published and Shared from http://perfectbath.com
Shower heads come in various shapes and forms. They are also used for different kinds of showering. This is not to mention the fact that they are numerous by reason of being manufactured by many players.
For these reasons, great care and caution have to be exercised while searching for the right shower head. This can only be achieved if several factors are considered. These form the gist of the conversations that follow hereunder:
Type of Shower head
- There are three main kinds of shower heads namely fixed, hand-held, and hand showers, respectively. The fixed types are permanently mounted on the walls.

LED Shower Head
- The hand-held types are equipped with a flexible hose or tube. They grant you the freedom to move around and about the bathroom while showering. The hand showers, on the other hand, are 2-in-1 in the sense that they combine both features of the fixed and the hand showers at the same time.
- The last type is by far the best of the three. This is because it allows you to enjoy the benefits of the remaining two at a time. It is, however, more expensive.
Water Discharge Rates
- This refers to the amount of water that the shower head is capable of discharging per unit time. It is designated gpm which stands for gallons per minute. A good shower head under this consideration ought to be moderate (from 1 gpm-2.5 gpm). This is to assure you of great showering experience while not subjecting you to hefty utility bills.
Spray Pattern
- In which way does the shower eject water? Shower heads can eject water in the following main ways: pulse, jet, rain, mist, massage, or aeration respectively.
Luxury Rain Shower Head
Quite a number can also eject water in all or a combination of any two or more of the said patterns. It is therefore in your best interest to ascertain your desired pattern after which you are to acquire that shower head that is well able to meet that need.
- Just in case your search for the right shower head is dictated by the need to fulfill some therapeutic needs or value, the massaging shower head is by all means strongly recommended.
Energy Consumption
- Most modern shower heads require electrical energy to operate. This is mainly because they have some intelligent features that are not found in ordinary showerheads. These include the ability to eject water at a predefined pressure level and flow rate.
- That notwithstanding, a good shower head has to consume moderate quantities of electrical energy. This, of course, is to spare you from the need to pay hefty electricity/utility bills. While searching for the right shower head, be sure to check the flow rate and pressure rating since these two determine the electricity consumption rates.
Material Construction
- The kinds of materials that are used to make up the shower head determine how long and how frequent you may utilize the shower head. In case you plan to use the shower head regularly or for a prolonged duration of time, you must choose a durable shower head. Hard plastics, solid brass, and stainless steel have proven to be strong, durable, and reliable in the long-run. You should consider giving them the shower heads that are manufactured by them a top most priority.
- Apart from the material construction, the finishes that are used to adorn the exterior surfaces of the shower heads also matter. They do so for the same reasons as those of the material construction. The oil-rubbed bronze, brushed or polished chrome, brushed or polished nickel, Copper, polished or antique brass, white, and off-white, are some of the most reliable finishes. You should look up to them in your search for the right shower head.
- Control features are those that you use to vary and determine the various aspects of the shower. These include the temperature, flow rate, pressure, and direction of water flow, among others. A good shower head ought to be less sophisticated to control. This is to spare you from the likelihood of grappling with unnecessary hassles while showering.
Of course, there are several other actors that equally matter. Due to the limited time and space at our disposal, we just could not exhaust all of them. We, therefore, urge you to consider digging deeper in order to familiarize yourself with them.
Contributed by: PerfectBath.com experts in Bathroom Fixtures and Bathroom Design
The post How to Pick the Best Shower Head appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.
from Perfect Bath Canada http://ift.tt/2GgWYB0
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
4 Ingredients to a Romantic Bathroom Date for Valentine’s Day
Content originally published and Shared from http://perfectbath.com
Whether you’re going out with your special someone or staying at home to celebrate your love for each other, a romantic bath experience is the best way to wrap up your day. All you need is the following:
Photo by Aaron Huber on Unsplash
Clean bathroom
It will be difficult to create a romantic atmosphere in a dirty bathroom. To set up the most romantic evening possible, you’ll need to make sure nothing in the bathroom is dirty or grimy. This includes not only the bathtub, but the rest of your bathroom as well. Mop or sweep the floor, wash out the bathtub, and clean all surfaces, including the sink. It’s not necessary to spend hours cleaning, but making the bathroom look presentable is important. Source: WikiHow
Restore that healthy glow with a liberal sprinkling of candlelight. Tea lights are easy to use, make little mess and are easy to throw away once cooled. Don’t place candles where you may splash water on them. Source: SheKnows
Celebrate your time together with a romantic toast. Keep a bucket with ice in it nearby for refills. Use this couple time to renew promises or vows with each other. Or, just revel in actually having couple time. Complete the moment with romantic finger foods on a silver platter nearby. Source: SheKnows
Your choice of music will have a major effect on your mood (and that of your partner if you’re having a bubble bath for two), so take the time to give some thought to this essential component of the ambiance.
Do you want to create a serene, meditative, spa-like experience? There are many albums of relaxing instrumental spa music by different composers in different styles that you can choose from.
Not in the mood to “bliss out” this time? Pick your favorite songs. They can be relaxing, upbeat, funky, Taylor Swift, Miranda Lambert, Usher, Bruno Mars – just ask yourself what you’re in the mood for! Source: Holidappy
Fitting in a bathtub designed for only one person isn’t as fun as soaking in a whirlpool tub made for two people. Get one for your home so you can look forward to fancier bath dates with your significant other. Call us!
Perfect Bath
Phone: Toll Free 1-866-843-1641
Calgary, Alberta
Email: info@perfectbath.com
The post 4 Ingredients to a Romantic Bathroom Date for Valentine’s Day appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.
from Perfect Bath Canada http://ift.tt/2BwVeUW
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Ways to maintain your bathroom sparkling clean
Content originally published and Shared from http://perfectbath.com
Are you worried that your bathroom is not as clean as the rest of your house? The reason may be you are not doing the right things to keep it clean, or you are using the wrong cleaning methods. It is everyone’s dream to see their sink sparkling clean and the tiles all shiny. Therefore, if you would want to make your bathroom look neat and clean, the following are some tips to help you.
Tips on how to maintain your bathroom sparkling clean
Empty your trash can
How long does it take before you empty your bathroom trash can? Even a small detail such as this can cause your bathroom seems unity or tidy. Also keeping piled up trash causes the room to smell bad or even seem full and disorganized. Therefore, after cleaning your bathroom, make sure to empty the trash can and rinse it before you put it back. Note that even though you don’t necessarily clean the entire bathroom on a daily basis, emptying the box should be done daily.
Clean up the shower area

Best Steam Shower
No matter how careful you are while bathing using a shower, there will always be soap lathers that get stuck on the walls. So, the more you leave the lather on the wall, the more it gets stuck on the wall thus discoloring it. So to avoid this, make an effort of cleaning the walls of the shower area after every shower session. Also, splash some fresh and clean water in the shower head and the handlebar to remove any soap that may be there. Once in a while maybe in a week, use vinegar and the floor of the shower area for optimum cleansing.
Dry your towels with a drier
Do not leave your towels in the bathroom while moist. This is because there is no enough lighting or warmth in the area hence your towel may take long before it dries up. This causes it to produce a foul smell. So what is the solution to this? Every time you finish up with your towel, put it in a dryer machine for about five minutes to get rid of all the moist that may be in it or instead, you can dry it outside and put it back once it completely dries off the water. Visit thinktankhome.com to learn what to look out for when buying a dryer machine to use in your home.
Rinse your sink and mirror after every brush and shave.
This is an easy to do task since you can do it as you brush or shave. Toothpaste will always sprinkle on the mirror when brushing your teeth or shaving not unless you are not doing it while looking in the mirror. So, to ensure that you leave these areas just the way you found them, make sure you splash water on the mirror to clean off the paste and shave residuals. Also, run water on the sink as you scrub it with your hands to get rid of the dirty water.
Considering the bathroom is a small room in the house, it is quite easy to maintain its cleanliness using the above-discussed tips which are quite easy to practice to ensure that your bathroom retains its sparkle all the time. Buy easy to use fixtures such as the bathtubs and faucets and ensure they are made of the durable and stainless steel material to prevent them from rusting due to constant use of water.
Contributed by : Perfectbath Experts in Bathroom Design and Function
The post Ways to maintain your bathroom sparkling clean appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.
from Perfect Bath Canada http://ift.tt/2EEM5f6
Sunday, February 11, 2018
Gene Ammons: Brother Jug!
The jazz-rock fusion movement of the late 1960s and '70s elevated electronic instruments, particularly the guitar and keyboards. But while the rock guitar, Fender Rhodes electric piano and synthesizers were front and center in many fusion bands, the saxophone experienced a rebirth in the parallel soul-jazz movement. Sidelined as a solo rock instrument since the rise of the electric guitar in the mid-'50s, the saxophone was once again featured prominently raised its visibility by covering hit songs of soul vocalists. The move was an effort by labels to win slots on FM radio playlists in urban markets. Reed players from Grover Washington Jr. and Hank Crawford to Lou Donaldson and Stanley Turrentine had hit records in the soul-jazz era.
One saxophonist who pioneered the feel of soul-jazz without smoothing out his sound was Gene "Jug" Ammons. From 1969 and into the early '70s, Ammons retained his big bossy sound but ground in and became funkier. Albums such as The Boss Is Back! (1969), Night Lights (1969), The Black Cat (1970), My Way (1971), Got My Own (1972), You Talk That Talk! (1972) and others featured Ammons with a deep, rich wailing sound. Many other artists didn't quite get the same feel.
One of my favorite Ammons albums from this period is Brother Jug! Recorded for Prestige in November 1969, the album featured Sonny Phillips (org), Billy Butler (g), Bob Bushnell (el-b), and Bernard "Pretty" Purdie (d) on most of the tracks. The sidemen here are standouts. Of note are Sonny Phillips, a soul-jazz organist who needs a re-evaluation, and Bernard "Pretty" Purdie, one of the most in-demand pop and soul studio drummers from the 1960s and beyond.
Of all of the Ammons recordings from this period, this one is my favorite. It's a flawless recording, mixing R&B hits (Song of a Preacher Man, He's a Real Gone Guy) with pop ballads (Didn't We and Blue Velvet), and two terrific soul-jazz originals by Ammons—Jungle Strut and Ger-Ru. The latter tune was recorded for The Boss Is Back! and featured Junior Mance (p), Buster Williams (b), Frankie Jones (d) and Candido (conga).
Brother Jug! was produced by Bob Porter. Gene Ammons died in 1974.
JazzWax tracks: You'll find Gene Ammons's Brother Jug! (Prestige) here combined with The Boss Is Back!
The album also is available on Spotify.
JazzWax clip: Here's Jungle Strut (crank it up)...
Jungle Strut's rhythm-section riff seems to be an adaptation of James Brown's There Was a Time, from 1968. Here's Brown with Sammy Davis Jr. on the Hollywood Palace in 1969. Listen to the rhythm section...
from JazzWax http://ift.tt/2Emte9u