Friday, September 29, 2017

The Most Important Thing To Fight Cabin Fever

I am pretty excited about being a part of the Great Plants Symposium next week. I am looking forward to hearing Heather Lynn Poire talk about The World of Roses and Hydrangeas. Heather is a professional sales associate with Bailey Nurseries. Bailey Nurseries is one of the few plant developers with a focus on bringing really cold hardy plants to market. They’re based in Minnesota, which is almost entirely USDA Zone 4. Heather is sure to have some great tips about growing these plants in my climate.

I may have mentioned before that I like to grow plants that no one else is growing. Suzanne Thatcher’s talk on Unique and Unusual Perennials for the Northeast is just the kind of insider info I like to have. Kerry Ann Mendez, the organizer of this symposium, is giving two talks. The one that I’m really looking forward to is A Thrifty Gardener’s Guide to Luxurious Gardens, because I am a penny-pincher at heart. I’m sure I’ll enjoy her other presentation, Ravishing Foliage Plants Steal the Show!, even though I doubt she can talk me out of my flower garden.

And me? I’m going to tell you how to Combat Cabin Fever with Your Garden! What’s the most important thing to consider when designing your garden to fight cabin fever? The photo above is the only hint I’m going to give you. Why don’t you come to the symposium to find out?

It’s not too late to register!

Click here to get all the details! I really hope to see you there.
Register for the Great Plants Symposium

from Cold Climate Gardening

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