Wednesday, October 31, 2018
U.S. Department of Labor Cites Texas Underground Tank Contractor for Excavation Hazards
from OSHA News Release
U.S. Department of Labor Cites Alabama Tank Cleaning Company For Confined Space, Fire, and Explosion Hazards
from OSHA News Release
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
U.S. Department of Labor Cites Florida Framing Company For Exposing Employees to Falls
from OSHA News Release
Missouri Plumbing Contractor Admits to Violating Trench Safety Requirements
from OSHA News Release
U.S. Department of Labor Renews Partnership with Electrical Contractors and Associations to Protect Worker Safety and Health
from OSHA News Release
U.S. Department of Labor Cites Texas Metal Recycling Company After Employee Suffers Injury
from OSHA News Release
Friday, October 26, 2018
U.S. Department of Labor Signs Alliance with Texas Contractors Association To Protect Safety and Health of Construction Workers
from OSHA News Release
Thursday, October 25, 2018
U.S. Department of Labor Cites Alabama Company for Protective Equipment Violations
from OSHA News Release
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
The Creepiest Native Plant I Know
It’s a scene straight out of a horror movie: a thread-like orange stem emerges from the ground, circling around counter-clockwise, searching by smell* for a potential victim. When it finds an unsuspecting, vulnerable plant, it wraps around it and pierces the victim’s stem, sucking water and nutrients from the host plant like a vampire. This nightmare is called field dodder (Cuscuta campestris). It’s the creepiest native plant I know!
It has no roots. It has no leaves. It has no chlorophyll. It is a complete and utter parasite, weakening its host, reducing its flowering and fruiting and making it more vulnerable to viral diseases. As soon as it has pierced its victim, it sends out more stems in search of additional victims. One seed can produce over 720 meters of stem in four months! Witches hair is another name for the dense, multi-branched, matted vines.Doesn’t it look like witches hair? Photo credit: Scot Nelson
So you can imagine my dismay when I found this by the used-to-be-pond, wrapped around my one and only cardinal flower.
The only way to eradicate dodder is to pull up the host plant. I didn’t want to pull up my precious cardinal flower, so I cut it off at the base and hoped that was good enough. I also searched the area for other plants in dodder’s stranglehold and pulled them up. For a plant that’s supposed to be such a nightmare, I didn’t find that much. That wasn’t too reassuring, as I wasn’t sure if I just hadn’t looked hard enough or had indeed caught it early. I’ll have to revisit the area next year to see if I find more.
Of course, it’s best to pull the host plants before the dodder has gone to seed. Here you can see both flowers and developing seed capsules. (Click to enlarge)
*It detects volatile chemicals released by the (potential) host plant and grows toward them. (Don’t believe me? Read this.) We use our nose to detect volatile chemicals in the air and we call it smelling. So I’m saying dodder finds its victims by smell, even though it doesn’t have a nose.
from Cold Climate Gardening
U.S. Department of Labor Cites South Florida Farm For Exposing Employees to Lightning Strikes
from OSHA News Release
Friday, October 19, 2018
OSHA and Society of Maintenance and Reliability Professionals Form Alliance to Protect Employee Safety and Health
from OSHA News Release
U.S Department of Labor Cites Roofing Contractor After Accident at Florida Worksite
from OSHA News Release
U.S. Department of Labor Orders Massachusetts Railway to Pay $85,000 to Employee Subjected to Retaliation after Reporting Injury
from OSHA News Release
U.S. Department of Labor and Colorado Contractors Host Trench Safety Summit
from OSHA News Release
Monday, October 15, 2018
Fall Flowers For Cold Climates
Where do people get this silly idea that hardly anything blooms in autumn? I gave my colchicum presentation this week and one attendee remarked that I inspired her to have color in her fall garden. There’s plenty of color in my fall garden, without even looking at the trees. Here’s just a sampling of what I see as I stroll around.
As more buds opened and the stems got top heavy, it has started to flop. The floppiness is why I’m supposed to pinch the stems back before July 4th, but I’m afraid it will delay bloom on an already pretty late bloomer. I guess I should pinch some stems and leave the others to see how much it really does delay flowering.Fire Light® hydrangea, a sample plant from Proven Winners, is almost as red as ‘Ruby Mound’–almost.
This is blooming, but the flowers aren’t the main point of ‘Kingswood Gold’ jewels of Opar (Talinum paniculatum).
More inspiration for a great autumn garden
These are some of my posts from previous autumns. They feature other great plants for fall.
- The Last of the Hardiest
- Good Fall is Here
- October’s Bounty
- Frost is not the End
- Autumn Blooms
- Unusual Plants for the Autumn Garden
- Garden Color in Dreary November
Inspired by the words of Elizabeth Lawrence, “We can have flowers nearly every month of the year,” Carol of May Dreams Gardens started Garden Bloggers Bloom Day. On the 15th of every month, garden bloggers from all over the world publish what is currently blooming in their gardens. Check it out at May Dreams Gardens.
from Cold Climate Gardening
U.S. Department of Labor Urges Workers and the Public to be Vigilant And Mindful of Hazards Following Hurricane Michael
from OSHA News Release
Friday, October 12, 2018
U.S. Department of Labor Cites Pennsylvania Contractor After Employee’s Electrocution
from OSHA News Release
Thursday, October 11, 2018
U.S. Department of Labor and Jordan Foster Construction Partner To Enhance Workplace Safety and Health at El Paso Construction Project
from OSHA News Release
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
U.S. Department of Labor Announces Actions to Assist Americans Impacted by Hurricane Michael
from OSHA News Release
Saturday, October 6, 2018
The Biggest Surprise Of My Life
A week before my sixtieth birthday, my daughter said the family would like to celebrate my birthday late, after my trip, because of “technical difficulties.” “Oh, sure,” I agreed, but I was thinking to myself that “technical difficulties” meant whatever gift they ordered online wasn’t going to arrive in time.
I couldn’t have been more wrong.
As my sixtieth birthday (which was this past April) approached, I decided it was time to start doing the things I had planned to do “one of these days.” And one of the things I had never done was visit my brother John and his family, who live in Hawaii. Hawaii in April–I liked the sound of that–and so did my sister Marianne, who had also never been there.
And while we spent the week in Hawaii, I imagined my grown children impatiently waiting for their “technical difficulties” to be resolved.
I could not have been more wrong.
The afternoon after I returned home, I found this cryptic message on my desk:
One clue was even inside a blown-out eggshell, hidden in the carton in the refrigerator with the rest of the eggs.
The next-to-last clue encouraged me to break the “rule” about no clues further than the mailbox, and led me down this mossy path…
…until I found a chilled and shrunken balloon marking a sign which read “Look around you, gaze far and wide, you can see your last clue from here.”
I was never more surprised in my life.
Having fun with my new toy
I later learned our family friends Nicole and Derrick had proposed building a garden shelter based on an image in one of my Pinterest boards. Derrick and several of my children had built the garden shelter while I was away. The garden shelter was built in an area of our property (which I have dubbed the Wild Apple Woods) where I had spent the past winter making trails. But the trails never seemed to have a purpose or a destination–now they did!
The gorgeous hanging baskets that adorned the shelter when I first saw it needed more sun than the woodsy location provided, and I eventually replaced them with some semi-trailing begonias.
My heart is full
Always when I visit, I’m reminded of the family and friends who love me so much, and who went to such great lengths to give me the biggest surprise of my life.
from Cold Climate Gardening
Friday, October 5, 2018
Wisconsin Manufacturer Settles Whistleblower Allegations
from OSHA News Release
U.S. Department of Labor and Ohio Craft Brewers Establish Alliance to Promote Workplace Safety in Ohio Breweries
from OSHA News Release
U.S. Department of Labor Cites New Jersey Pet Food Manufacturer for Failure to Correct Prior Workplace Safety, Health Hazards
from OSHA News Release
Thursday, October 4, 2018
U.S. Department of Labor Cites New Jersey Lumber Company For Exposing Employees to Health Hazards
from OSHA News Release
U.S. Department of Labor Cites U.S. Postal Service For Repeat Safety Violations at Austin Facility
from OSHA News Release
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
U.S. Department of Labor Cites Ohio Art Supply Manufacturer For Exposing Employees to Amputation Hazards
from OSHA News Release
U.S. Department of Labor Updates National Emphasis Program on Trenching and Excavation Safety
from OSHA News Release
U.S. Department of Labor Cites Wisconsin Refinery for Failing to Control Hazardous Chemicals
from OSHA News Release
U.S. Department of Labor Cites Ohio Manufacturer For Safety Violations After Employee Injury
from OSHA News Release
U.S. Department of Labor Cites Ohio Plastics Manufacturer For Exposing Workers to Machine Hazards
from OSHA News Release
Monday, October 1, 2018
U.S. Labor Department Awards Workplace Safety and Health Training Grants to Assist in Educating Workers, Job Creators
from OSHA News Release
U.S. Department of Labor Joins Partnership to Promote Workplace Safety During Construction of Georgia STEM School
from OSHA News Release